situations [Feines Tier]

Feines Tier proudly presents Luca Musto’s debut EP called Situations.

Luca Musto is an enthusiast of soul, jazz and blues, his electronic music - some call it ‚slow-house' - oozes of grooving beats and hypnotizing melodies.

With Italian roots reflecting rhythms through spaces into a musical mirror, you might get ready to set up cozy, yet grounded atmospheres. In every single track Luca’s vision of deeply impulsive ambiences moves on as the rolling beat does. His wide range of downlifting electronic vibes was already spread through several shows around Europe this summer including Feines Tier’s temporary homebase Jackwho in Cologne. One might be sure that this journey really has just begun.

musto & rietze - tipping point [amselcom]

Tipping Point unites what what always supposed to be united. Florian Rietze and Luca Musto found each other to be their perfect creative complements.

With Florians feeling for forward-oriented basslines and Luca Mustos sense for magical melodies combined with hypnotizing beats, the two form a perfect symbiosis of outstanding creativity.

Subtle melodies Inspired by the outdoors lead to a natural lightness in their sound. The endearing depth of the EP is a perfect fit for peaktime highlights as well as intimate moments in smaller venues. London’s celebrated newcomer in pop art, Benjamin Craven, has understood the spirit perfectly and designed a spot-on cover artwork.

Tipping Point contains lots of love and a special mood that you hopefully enjoy as much as we do.